Menu Planning & Precosting

menu planFoodPro’s flexible and robust Menu Planning Module allows operations to design their menus in ways that make sense for each individual serving location.  Locations can use Cycle menus, Standard menus, and ACI Menus to manage their menu offerings in order to meet their goals: control food cost, maximize revenue, reduce waste, and expanded menu offerings.

Cycle Menus represent the typical menu rotation for any number of weeks that an operation would like to use.  Standard Menus provide locations with a way to plan for items that are served “daily” or “weekly”.  Finally, a unique menu type that can help locations effectively manage served items that are hard to plan for on a per meal basis is the ACI (Average Consumption Item) Menu.   Examples of ACI items may include: individual portion control (PC) items (sweeteners), bulk cereal, bulk beverages (soda/milk/juice dispensers), and even consumable kitchen supplies (gloves).

Generally, the menu planning process occurs in advance of service.  As menus are being created, users are presented with dynamic cost and profit calculations, enabling them to make informed decisions on their choices.

Effective planning and control will result in accurate and timely purchasing, a reduction of waste, a more efficient operation, and better customer satisfaction through consistent quality and better service.

The module also features several programs to enhance the planning process.  A menu-modeling program allows food service managers to perform “What if?” analysis for future planning purposes.  Another report available to users is the Menu Item Cost Summary, which details product cost, popularity, gross margin, and gross margin variances.

Food Management System